Description (Service) | Safe exchange locations are a place to assess and purchase goods from unknown persons that you have met online. If you are meeting new people while finalizing online transactions, you are encouraged you to use safe exchange locations. Many people can and have become victims of crimes like robberies, frauds and thefts when attempting to buy or sell property online. If you are unable to meet at one of these locations, please consider completing your transactions in well-lit, public and popular locations to avoid being a victim of crime. In the case of an emergency, please call 9-1-1. Tips to protect yourself during a buy and sell exchange:
CHATSWORTH: OPP Grey Bruce, 317057 highway 6 and 10 DURHAM: West Grey Police Services, 153 George St W - in the parking lot HANOVER: Hanover Police Services203, Tenth St - permitted in the parking lot, parking lot has video surveillance, no specific area designated MEAFORD: OPP Grey Bruce, 390 Sykes St N OWEN SOUND: Owen Sound Police Services, 922 2nd Ave W
WIARTON: OPP Grey Bruce, 50 Berford St KINCARDINE: OPP South Bruce, 700 Kincardine Ave PORT ELGIN: Saugeen Shores Police Services
Service Details
Hours | Varies by location |
Areas Served | Bruce County ; Grey County |
Eligibility | No restrictions |
Application | As described in description section. |
Languages | English |
Fees | None |
Address and Location
Located In Community | Brockton |
Address & Map | Brockton, ON Canada N0G 2V0 |
Contact Information
Office Phone | No public phone number available |