
Description (Service)

For callers from Bruce or Grey who are actively experiencing homelessness, Community Connection has partnered with Counties of Bruce and Grey to help people access supports and services through the Coordinated Access (CA) system.

Our After Hours Housing Navigators will support clients in entering the CA System; a process by which individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness are directed to community-level Access Points where trained workers use a common assessment tool to evaluate the individual or family's depth of need, prioritize them for housing support services and then help to match them to available housing focused interventions.

Follow the following procedures to connect callers with these services:During business hours, Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm

  • For callers from Grey County, inform client to call Grey County Housing - phone:519-376-5744 ext 2, text: 226-909-2926, email:
  • For callers from Bruce County, inform client to call YMCA Owen Sound Housing Support - 519-371-9230 ext 2.

After Hours Mon-Fri 4:30 pm- 8:30 am and Sat-Sun (any time) including all holidays:

  • All inquires for Grey County and Bruce County regarding overnight shelter will be handled by the Community Connection After Hours Staff. Please cold transfer to the Housing Helpline AH Skillset within Max

Note: All inquiries about transportation or access to taxis for housing concerns, should be referred to Grey County Housing or the YMCA Owen Sound Housing Support (during the day) or connected to the Housing Helpline (after hours).

Service Details

Hours Not applicable
Areas Served Bruce County ; Grey County
Eligibility As per description
Application As per description.
Languages English
Fees none

Address and Location

Located In Community Brockton
Address & Map
Brockton, ON
Canada N0G 2V0

Contact Information

Office Phone No public telephone number


Service Categories Shelter for Abused Women
Service Category Groups Abuse / Assault

Agency Overview