Bruce County.

Site: Walkerton - Human Services

Service: Human Services - Ontario Works

Record #: GBA0086
Last Modified: 18 Feb 2025
Last Full Update: 14 Feb 2025


Description (Service)

The Income and Support Services division of Bruce County Human Services focuses on people, providing them with a range of services and supports to respond to their unique needs and to address barriers to success so that they can move towards employment and independence.

Ontario Works: provides support to those in financial need. If eligible for Ontario Works benefits you will receive a monthly payment toward your basic needs and shelter costs. Eligibility and the amount of assistance you will receive is dependent on a few things including family size, housing costs and living arrangements, other income you may be receiving and the assets that you own (property, money in bank accounts, investments etc.).

Temporary Care Assistance: if you are an adult and you are temporarily responsible for the care of a child for whom you have no legal obligation to support financially, and that child is in financial need, you can apply for temporary care assistance on their behalf.

Emergency Assistance: provides one time assistance to individuals and families in crisis for a maximum of 48 days. The amount of assistance will depend on the specific circumstance, but will not exceed what an individual or family would receive from Ontario Works. Anyone already receiving Ontario Works or ODSP are not eligible for Emergency Assistance.

Other services include: Ontario Works recipients will also receive prescription drug and funds for medical transportation if required, special diet allowances and diabetic / surgical supplies.

Families with Children - The Bruce County Children's Activity Assistance Program (BCCAAP) provides funds for families with gross earnings under $49,466 to assist with costs for non-sporting activities such as school trips, school nutrition programs, extra-curricular activities, arts and cultural programs, Scouts/Brownies etc. Bruce County families can access this program for their dependent children under the age of 18 and receive up to $500 per child, per year.

Participation Benefits - covers costs related to connecting participants with a wide range of supports and services in their community to assist them is moving toward stability and readiness for employment.

Learning, Earning and Parenting (LEAP) - helps young parents finish high school, improve parenting skills, locate and maintain employment

Discretionary Benefits - may be available to assist with health care related expenses such as orthotics, emergency dental for adults (Ontario Works only), dentures, small mobility devices and other health care aides not covered by the Assistive Devices program, prosthetic devices, replacement of identification to qualify for services, direct cremation/burials. Individuals must be in receipt of Ontario Works or ODSP benefits to qualify for discretionary benefits.

Welfare Fraud Hotline 1-800-394-7867 - to report allegations of fraudulent collection of Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program assistance

Satellite Human Services offices are also located at:

529 Gary Street, Kincardine

1243 MacKenzie Road, Port Elgin

268 Berford Street, Wiarton

All are open Monday through Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm. All Human Services offices are fully open to the public and appointments are available both in person and virtually depending on the needs and circumstances of the individual.

Service Details

Hours Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Areas Served Bruce County
Eligibility Ages: 16 year(s) - 65 year(s) You might be eligible for Ontario Works if you:
  • are in financial need, meaning you and your family do not have enough money to cover your living expenses.
  • are 16 years of age or older - applicants who are 16-17 years old and cannot reside at home, require a trustee to complete the application and manage their financial assistance funds.
  • 65 years and younger.
  • live in Bruce County and have status in Canada (cannot be a visitor or tourist)
  • have income and assets within the allowable limits.
Eligibility is determined by a review of income, assets and living arrangements for all members of the household and you will be required to provide verifications. Proof of identity and status in Canada is also required for all members of the household included on the application.

Participation Benefits: must be a Bruce County resident in receipt of Ontario Works financial assistance and have a completed Action Plan.

Learning, Earning and Parenting (LEAP): Must be under the age of 25 years of age, have a dependent child and be in receipt of Ontario Works financial assistance in Bruce County.

Bruce County Children's Activity Assistance Program (CAAP): Must have a gross annual family income of less than $49,466.

Discretionary Benefits: must be a Bruce County resident receiving financial assistance from Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program. Some benefits are subject to maximums and frequency of access restrictions.

Direct Burial and Cremation: If a loved one passes away, the person who is acting as the Next of Kin may apply for financial assistance toward the cost of a direct burial or direct cremation if the estate of the deceased has insufficient assets to cover such costs. The Next of Kin will not be eligible if the estate of the deceased:
  • Has a life insurance policy (regardless of the beneficiary).
  • Owns their own home/property.
  • Has an RRSP or other Investments; or
  • Has sufficient funds or assets to cover the cost of direct burial / cremation.
  • If a service contract has already been signed with a funeral /burial /cremation provider or services have already been rendered
Application There are two ways to apply for Ontario Works assistance:
  • Apply online at You must have a unique email address for all members of the family on the application 18 years of age and older, to complete e-signature and required consents. IMPORTANT: The application will not work in Internet Explorer. You must use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or Microsoft Edge.
  • Call the Service Ontario Intake Line (toll free) at 1-888-999-1142 to complete an application Mon-Fri 8:30 am-5 pm.
Applications that Bruce County Human Services will continue to process directly in person at any of the four Human Services offices in Bruce County or by calling 1-800-265-3022: To apply for Participation Benefits:
Contact your Ontario Works Caseworker directly.

To apply for Discretionary Benefits:
For Ontario Works Recipients: Contact your Caseworker directly to determine your eligibility for specific benefits.
For ODSP Recipients: Contact Shannon Petryk (519-389-5580)
To apply for Assistance with Direct Burial / Cremation Costs
Contact Bruce County Human Services to complete a screening and have an appointment scheduled with a Program Eligibility Worker to determine eligibility. Call 1-800-265-3022 or 519-881-0431. Deceased individual must be a resident of Bruce County at the time of death.

Bruce County Children's Activity Assistance Program (CAAP)
Online Application Form:
Please forward all required application documents by email, mail or fax:
Bruce County Human Services
PO BOX 399, 30 Park Street
Walkerton ON N0G 2V0
519-881-0431 or 1-800-265-3022
Fax: 519-881-4324
Languages English
Fees None

Address and Location

Located In Community Walkerton
Address & Map
30 Park St
Walkerton, ON
Canada N0G 2V0
View Google Map
Intersection Park and Yonge
Physical Access Fully Accessible

Contact Information

Office Phone 1-800-265-3022
Fax 519-881-4324
Primary Contact Aryn Becker, Income and Employment Supports Manager; Email:
Alternate Contact Tina Metcalfe, Director, Human Services
Mailing Address PO Box 399 
Walkerton, ON 
Canada N0G 2V0

Agency Overview

Locations for this Service