Volunteer Peer Support Facilitator

(Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Network)

Position ID: V-CWD0392
Last Modified: 18 Aug 2022
Last Full Update: 18 Aug 2022

Opportunity Details: Volunteer Peer Support Facilitator

Contact Amy Muhr, Volunteer Resource and Support Coordinator, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Network; Phone: 1-888-303-7245 * 416-617-2983; Email: pailvolunteer@sunnybrook.ca

Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Network provides bereavement support at no cost to families who have experienced the loss of a pregnancy at any stage, or the death of their baby, up to 12 months of age. We currently have volunteer opportunities for people who are approximately two years past their bereavement date and are looking for meaningful ways to offer their support to others. We are actively training peer supporters for private online bereavement support groups and one-to-one phone support.

More Info Link https://pailnetwork.sunnybrook.ca/volunteers/volunteer-application-form/
Benefits What other PAIL Network volunteers have shared about their experience 
"It allows me to give back. I like to think my daughter is making a difference in other people's lives, through me” 
"I was able to support grieving parents in their grief journey by giving them a safe space to talk about their babies and their feelings without being judged” 
"It transforms something tragic into something constructive. It strips me of any facade and exposes my vulnerabilities so that someone else feels less alone, less inadequate, less pain, and can begin the healing process. In supporting others, my son lives on” 
"It enables me to channel my disenfranchised grief into something that is powerful and impactful. Through peer support I continue to honour my own losses, but of even greater importance is that I am of service to others while they too 'navigate the sadness'.”
Clients Bereaved families who have experienced the loss of their pregnancy at any stage or death of their baby up to 12 months of age. We know that there is no time limit on grief. For this reason, families can access our services at any time for as long as they need.
Ages 18 year(s) and up
Suitable for Highschool Credit Hours No
Areas of Interest Distress / Crisis / Bereavement Support ; Telephone Communication ; Volunteer from Home / Virtual
Skills/Experience Communication & Interpersonal Skills ; Counseling & Support ; Leadership ; Listening Skills ; Patience ; Positive / Cheerful Demeanor ; Self-Motivated / Work Independently ; Team Work ; Confidentiality
Commitment Length Medium Term (4 months to 1 year) - minimum of 6 months ; Long Term (More than 1 year) - Peer Support Facilitators PAIL Network asks for a 2 year commitment
Interaction Level One-on-one - phone support ; Small Group - online bereavement support ; Virtual Volunteering - online bereavement support
Minimum Hours 2 / Month
Dates and Times Varying times depending on Peer Support Role.  
Group Support: Facilitate 1.5-2 hour monthly support groups 
Phone Support: 4, 45 minute phone calls with one person scheduled 1-2 weeks part 
Online: Loss specific groups offered twice monthly
Accessibility Fully Accessible
Location Ontario- Virtual
Number of Positions Bruce County: 2 individual(s) ; Grey County: 2 individual(s) ; Muskoka District: 2 individual(s) ; Northumberland County: 2 individual(s) ; Parry Sound District: 2 individual(s) ; Peterborough (County of): 2 individual(s) ; Simcoe County: 2 individual(s) 
10 individual(s) needed in total.
Training Orientation ; Training is provided ; Training is required ; Scheduled training ; Training on the job ; Training on-going ; Training is provided at no cost and includes: online, independent training and video conferencing orientation
Transportation All groups are offered online
Cost PAIL Network is not able to cover the fees for Vulnerable Sector Police Check. However, we do not want personal financial situations to be a barrier to an interested volunteer so we are able to help on a case by case basis
Police Check Required
Referrals 29

Agency Details: Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Network