Application |
Applications can be made by phone to the toll free number at Client Service Center
Application form to complete. Financial eligibility application process looks at the assets, income and expenses of client, family partner and/or dependent children.
Documents required to have available are:
- all papers received from police, court, opposing party, and if you've spoken with a lawyer the exact wording requested for the certificate
- proof of income such as pay stubs or letter from employer showing gross income and itemizing all deductions, pension receipt, copy of last year's income tax return
- if unemployed - separation papers or proof of receipt of UIC, Family Benefits, Welfare (a cheque stub or letter indicating file number)
- if self employed - your business bank accounts, a balance sheet, statement of income and expenses and a Notice to Reader completed by an accountant.
- if you have no source of income, a letter from whomever you reside with setting out your financial contribution to the household
- if you are in receipt of disability benefits or a pension, a stub regarding those is required. If you are a Young Offender, your parent, who supports you, is required to be financially assessed to complete your application.
- verification of shelter costs such as mortgage payments, property tax, rent, utilities. Verification of debts including bank loans, car payments, charge accounts
- where applicable, support orders or other contracts or agreements setting out your financial obligations
- up-to-date bank books, credit union statements, proof of bonds, RRSP's, stocks, GIC's
- if you own property, a copy of the deed
- if you have declared bankruptcy in the past year, a copy of those papers
Financially eligible clients can make an appointment to meet with a lawyer for information or advice at the Family Law Information Centre by calling the Courthouse at 519-374-3194.
If you are finaincially eligible and have a Crimanal Law Matter before the Ontario Court of Justice and do not have a lawyer, you may call 519-881-1736. Please leave a message with contact details and brief description of your request. |