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Organization / Program Name(s) |
Located In |
Description (Brief) |
Saugeen Shores. Municipal Office, Port Elgin - Emma St, Fire Department | Saugeen Shores |
Provides fire protection, prevention and education services. Conducts routine inspections of commercial buildings throughout the year to ensure compliance with the Ontario Fire Code. Group presentati ... |
Saugeen Shores. Municipal Office, Southampton - Victoria St S, Fire Department | Saugeen Shores |
Provides fire protection, prevention and education services. Conducts routine inspections of commercial buildings throughout the year to ensure compliance with the Ontario Fire Code. Group presentati ... |
Saugeen Shores. Municipal Office, Various locations, Rest Stations for Extreme Weather Relief | Saugeen Shores |
When Environment Canada issues an extreme heat or cold alert, rest areas are available to residents for relief from extreme weather conditions. These can include public buildings such as libraries or ... |
Saugeen Shores. Municipal Office, Port Elgin - Tomlinson Dr | Saugeen Shores |
Municipal office providing services to residents and businesses located in the town of Saugeen Shores. Municipality includes Port Elgin, Southampton and Saugeen Township. Services and facilities incl ... |
Saugeen Shores. Municipal Office, Port Elgin - Goderich St, Port Elgin Tourist Information Office | Saugeen Shores |
Provides tourist information regarding directions, restaurants, attractions, accommodation rentals, local businesses and events. Also provides other information such as maps, day-tripping, and provinc ... |