Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Neustadt Happy AdventurersNeustadt Social club for adults 50 and older who enjoy playing games, listening to music, guest speakers, pot luck dinners, and various outings. New members always welcome.
Oliphant Young at Heart Senior's ClubSouth Bruce Peninsula Social club for seniors. Numerous luncheons and outings. Plays bid euchre and euchre two evenings weekly. Tournaments are held twice a year. Meets monthly at the Oliphant Community Centre for a pot lu ...
55-Plus Friendship ClubMeaford Club for active minded seniors providing social interaction, fellowship, excursions, special occasion parties and gentle activity. Participates in activities to benefit the community. Hosts guest spea ...
Georgian Recreation ClubMeaford Promotes and cultivates recreation and good fellowship for all seniors in Meaford and the surrounding area. Main focus of activities is on card games.
Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, Neyaashiinigmiing - 33 Maadookii Cres, Maadookii Seniors CentreNeyaashiinigmiing Seniors centre hosts a number of services for seniors including social gatherings, crafts, day trips. Also provide home visits.
Durham Silver Threads Seniors' Club #64, Durham Town Hall  Social club for older adults. Meets monthly (except July and August) with a catered lunch for $20, followed by musical entertainment or educational presentation.
Chantry Seniors Centre 50+, Chantry Rec Centre 50+Saugeen Shores Seniors activity club offering a variety of daily activities including: * potluck luncheons * card games * book club * billiards * exercises * and more Seniors lunch, membership is not required to at ...
Port Elgin United ChurchSaugeen Shores Offers weekly worship service. Church also offers: * weekly Bible study * Hug-A-Bear program - provides bears to less fortunate and sick children throughout the shoreline area * United Church women's ...
Lighthouse Fellowship Baptist ChurchKincardine Offers weekly Sunday Fellowship and Family Worship and Sunday School. Also: * Hosts a weekly Friendship meeting for adults with cognitive disabilities * PD day camps * Weekly prayer meeting * Weekly y ...
Wiarton Salvation Army (The), Wiarton - Edward St, Community and Family ServicesSouth Bruce Peninsula Provides a number of programs and services including: * Seniors' Program - includes social time with lunch provided by donation. Hosts speakers on various issues and concerns specific to seniors, with ...
Hanover Seniors Friendship ClubHanover Seniors social club. Hosts activities including cards, crokinole and potluck meals. The hall is available to rent with a capacity of 100. Contact Wayne Noble for rental information - 519-364-1551. Hol ...
St Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran ChurchHanover Offers weekly Sunday worship services and Sunday school. Online services are available. Check website or Facebook for link. Lunch on 9th - offers free weekly bagged lunch during the summer. Enter at a ...
Royal Canadian Legion, Paisley, Paisley Branch 295Arran-Elderslie Provides support and social gatherings to veterans and their families and to the community. * Holds morning coffee break on Mondays. * Holds games and euchre night for anyone in the community. * Celeb ...
St Paul's United Church, Walkerton, WalkertonWalkerton Offers weekly worship service. Also provides: * K's Community Meals Program - serves a free meal, dine in or take out. The program is directed at those individuals and families who are struggling with ...
Meeting Place Tobermory (The)Tobermory Facilitates programs and services including: * Community resource coordination under 'Connect to Community' banner * Leisure and fitness * Food Security programs * Children and youth programs * Co-wo ...
Welcome Centre Immigrant Services, Newmarket Welcome CentreNewmarket Open for in-person services . For more information call 1-877-761-1155 or email One-stop service to guide and support immigrants and newcomers Settlement and Integration Service ...
Collingwood Leisure Time ClubCollingwood Community Centre for Adults 50 plus. Programs include: * Painting * Bid Euchre * Bridge for Fun * Blue Mountain Duplicate Bridge Club * Beginner and Intermediate Bridge Lessons * Collingwood Duplicat ...
Gilda's Club Simcoe MuskokaBarrie FREE emotional and social support to anyone whose life has been impacted by cancer, services include: * professionally facilitated Support Groups * short-term counselling (including grief counselling) ...